(a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization)



about us

WHEAT is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides trauma-informed comprehensive support services to survivors of domestic violence, non-intimate ​partner sexual assault, and human trafficking, as well as youth and families experiencing homelessness. While our organization provides healing centered trauma-​informed support services to all, we emphasize trauma-informed culturally specific survivor–centered support services to African American/Black survivors.

MISSION STATEMENT: WHEAT’s mission is to protect survivors, prevent violence and empower domestic violence, non-intimate partner sexual assault, and human ​trafficking survivors. We believe that: “When you make the system work for the most marginalized and at risk, you help the system work better for everyone.” We ​accomplish this by providing trauma-informed support services to survivors that help them survive crisis, rebuild their lives, and achieve brighter futures as they go ​through transitional periods in their lives. Since our organization is forever evolving we are fully committed to developing trauma-informed support services to ​meet the emerging community needs that fully equip survivors in overcoming and maintaining a life of continued success.

VISION STATEMENT: WHEAT is founded on the vision and belief of this project title that, “HEALING STARTS HERE”, and every person has the right to be safe, ​empowered, free from fear, and free from violence. Central to this belief, WHEAT is committed to providing trauma-informed comprehensive case management ​support services that are healing and survivor-centered and promote a safe inclusive empowering environment for survivors of domestic violence, non-intimate ​partner sexual assault, and human trafficking, as well as youth and families experiencing homelessness while fostering a culture of respect and equality within our ​community. With a comprehensive approach encompassing prevention, intervention, and advocacy, we strive to address the root causes of domestic violence, non-​intimate partner sexual assault, and human trafficking, and create a future free from abuse. WHEAT is committed to raise awareness, offer support, and work ​tirelessly to break the chains of domestic violence, non-intimate partner sexual assault, and human trafficking. It's imperative that we create a culture where ​survivors feel empowered to seek help without fear of judgment or stigma. Every survivor deserves to know that they are not alone, that there is hope, and that ​there are resources available to assist them on their journey to safety and healing. WHEAT’s work has contributed to breaking cycles of violence, empowering ​survivors, and their families in creating a safer, more resilient community. WHEAT has a great commitment to producing lasting change and fostering positive ​transformation in the community that is welcoming, and avoids re-traumatizing survivors.


Individuals and families impacted by domestic violence, non-intimate partner sexual assault, and human trafficking have inherently been exposed to traumatic ​events in their lives. Trauma-informed comprehensive case management support services are an integral part of the mission of WHEAT. Responsiveness to ​survivors’ needs and presenting situations are components of a process designed to maximize the survivors and their family’s self-sufficiency and self-​determination.

WHEAT is committed to providing programs and services that are designed with an understanding of the impact of trauma on individuals and families, as well as a ​recognition of survivors’ resiliency and ability to heal. We use a trauma-informed approach to services and community work that aims to support and empower ​survivors, to respect and honor each individual’s experience and to avoid re-traumatization.

As a trauma-informed agency, WHEAT currently provides the following services: Trauma-Informed Comprehensive Case Management Support Services, Trauma-​Informed Training and Capacity Building Services, and Trauma-Informed Culturally Specific Survivor-Centered Services.

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2017 - Sara’s House/Place Melvenna Fant-Jones honored with the “I Am A Survivor” Award

2019 - Honda / USA Today Melvenna Fant-Jones honored as the Inspiration Winner

2022 - Eastpointe / Roseville Chamber of Commerce "You've Made a Difference"

2023 - Wayne Metro Community Champion Honoree

2023 - Out Wayne COC Community Champion Honoree

2023 - Detroit Piston's Melvenna Fant-Jones honored as “Woman of the Week”

2024 - FLAME Cares Contest Grant Winner

2024 - Community Choice Awards Best Non-Profit/Charity Organization Top 3

2024 - National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc - Melvenna Fant-Jones honored as the ​“Unsung Hero”

2024 - Macomb County Business Awards Non-Profit of the Year Honoree

Our WHEAT Board:

  • Founder/Executive Director, Melvenna Fant-Jones
  • Program Manager, Dominic Vincenti
  • Finance Manager, Jalen Garrett, CFP, CSLP
  • Communications Director, Delorean Ishmon II
  • Social Worker, Freda Pearson
  • Advocate, Briana Cobb
  • Office Manager, Jacqueline Fant
White Silk Fabric


WHEAT relies on the generosity of the community! Your gift will make an immediate impact in the lives of survivors. By making a gift to WHEAT, you will help to provide a survivor in crisis the support needed to change their life!


Hear from our founder/ceo, melvenna fant - jones

wheat’s “healing starts here” approach:

WHEAT is committed to providing trauma-informed comprehensive case management support services that are healing centered and promote a safe ​inclusive empowering environment for survivors of domestic violence, non-intimate partner sexual assault, and human trafficking, as well as youth ​and families experiencing homelessness while fostering a culture of respect and equality within our community. With a comprehensive approach ​encompassing prevention, intervention, and advocacy, we strive to address the root causes of domestic violence, non-intimate partner sexual ​assault, and human trafficking, and create a future free from abuse. WHEAT is committed to raise awareness, offer support, and work tirelessly to ​break the chains of domestic violence, non-intimate sexual assault, and human trafficking. It's imperative that we create a culture where survivors feel ​empowered to seek help without fear of judgment or stigma. Every survivor deserves to know that they are not alone, that there is hope, and that ​there are resources available to assist them on their journey to safety and healing. WHEAT’s work has contributed to breaking cycles of violence, ​empowering survivors, and their families in creating a safer, more resilient community. WHEAT has a great commitment to producing lasting change ​and fostering positive transformation in the community that is welcoming, and avoids re-traumatizing survivors.

Trauma-informed comprehensive case management support services are an integral part of the mission of WHEAT. Responsiveness to survivors’ ​needs and presenting situation are components of a process designed to maximize the survivors and their family’s self-sufficiency and self-​determination.

The main components of the trauma-informed comprehensive case management support service process of WHEAT include:

•An assessment of the survivors needs.

•Development of a realistic service plan which focuses on survivors gaining independence.

•Provision of assistance in identifying all services needed such as: education, employment, housing and other services.

•Advocacy to overcome barriers in receiving required services.

This approach will allow for emotional, social, moral, and physical safety to survivors in crisis and seeks the survivors’ input into all aspects of ​service planning, delivery, and evaluation.

A trauma-informed comprehensive case management support service that is trauma-informed:

•Realizes the impact of trauma

•Recognizes the signs and symptoms of trauma

•Responds by integrating knowledge of trauma into practices

•Seeks to actively resist re-traumatization.


Stop violence against and  abuse women,anti-trafficking and stopping violence against women, International Women's. The concept of  harassment against women and rape.
Stress and psychological trauma. Experienced psychologist working with depressed black woman at office
leading the Salesforce women's equality strategy


Trauma-Informed Comprehensive Case Management Support Services:

WHEAT provides warm referral services to assist in locating and securing emergency, transitional, and/or permanent housing, securing education, employment, and/or ​occupational training, and assisting with community reintegration by providing necessary services such as transportation vouchers, counseling, childcare services, limited legal ​services, and culturally specific wellness activities (such as Yoga/Meditation, Reiki, Support Group, Trauma Release Exercise – TRE, and trauma-informed dance classes).

Training and Capacity Building Services:

WHEAT organizes workshops, and educational seminars on topics such as financial literacy, safety planning, goal planning, mental awareness, and trauma-informed care, ​community events, and training sessions identifying, addressing, and preventing domestic violence, non-intimate sexual assault, and human trafficking. WHEAT develops and ​implements awareness campaigns through various media channels, community events, and educational institutions to challenge social norms, dispel myths, challenge biases, and ​encourage victims to seek help. WHEAT creates culturally-sensitive and linguistically-appropriate educational materials, including brochures, posters, videos, and social media ​campaigns. These resources disseminate valuable information about domestic violence, non-intimate partner sexual assault, and human trafficking prevention, warning signs, ​available resources, and avenues for seeking help.

Trauma-Informed Culturally Specific Survivor-Centered Services:

WHEAT believes that providing a culturally specific survivor-centered, trauma-informed, healing-based service is an effective way to serve Black women survivors followed by ​techniques and tools that advocates can use to better serve Black women survivors. A survivor-centered advocacy avoids a “one-size-fits-all” service delivery model by providing ​services that are designed to meet each survivor’s goals, priorities, needs, and preferences. A culturally specific practice means to proactively integrate awareness of the cultural ​identities of survivors and staff and into our services, policies, structures, and environment. Trauma-informed care recognizes the pervasiveness and impact of trauma on ​survivors, staff, organizations, and communities, and therefore we ensure that this understanding is incorporated into every aspect of WHEAT’s administration, culture, ​environment, and service delivery. A healing-based approach highlights how survivors use their power to intentionally access resources and supports despite their marginalized ​identities. This approach acknowledges and respects survivors’ autonomy, and decision-making potential.

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Portrait of a Family on Their Front Yard

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job search still life with title jobs

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Business people in seminar at auditorium

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Demonstration for Women Power

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Phone Number

(313) 570-0638 or (313) 423-2484



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